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Aerobics – About, Types, Benefits, Training, And More

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About Aerobics

Aerobics – It is a blend of cardiovascular exercises performed to the sound of music. Aerobics classes usually follow a series of routines and dance steps that increase the frequency of heartbeats. This sport puts the complete body in continuous movement.

It also improves flexibility, coordination, orientation and rhythm. However, many new exercise models are on aerobic activities. As a result, more and more gyms are replacing aerobics classes with other more intense cardiovascular exercise forms. These include body combat or spinning.

Types Of Aerobics

Circuit Aerobics

It consists of performing short exercise circuits during class with rest intervals.

Aqua gym

A variant of aerobics that is generally performed in a swimming pool. Thanks to the resistance offered by the water, double the effects of the exercise.

Body styling

Combine aerobic exercise with muscle toning.

Intervall – Aerobics

Choreographed physical conditioning program in intervals that intersperses low, medium and high-intensity aerobic exercises.


High-intensity aerobic exercise in which choreographed steps on a platform increase cardiovascular activity.


The monitor combines dance with aerobics, developing choreographies to the music rhythm of different modalities.

Digital Aerobics

It is performed on dance platforms and follows the instructions of a computer program.

Health Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise

Health Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise reduces subcutaneous fat between the muscles, the ones used as fuel or the primary energy source.

  • Lose weight by reducing body fat, which is the primary energy source.
  • Improves cardiovascular function and lung capacity.
  • It positively influences mood, improving self-esteem.
  • Lowers blood pressure in the medium term.
  • It lowers total cholesterol levels in the blood and LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It increases HDL cholesterol, or good cholesterol, reducing the risk of a heart attack.
  • Improves lung capacity, circulation in general and the use of oxygen.
  • Firms tissues.
  • Reduces cardiovascular impermanence.
  • Rises the reabsorption of calcium by the bones.
  • It decreases circulating adrenaline levels and the stress hormone and increases endorphin levels.

Aerobic Exercise Vs Anaerobic Exercise

These concepts refer to how the body obtains energy. If it needs oxygen, it is called aerobic. If it doesn’t, it is anaerobic. While anaerobic exercise includes short, strength-based activities such as weightlifting or sprinting. Aerobic exercise focuses on lower-intensity activities to build endurance over a more extended period. The most common aerobic activities are running, walking, cycling and swimming. Unlike anaerobic exercise, aerobic exercise does not grow muscle mass. However, it surges lung capacity and burns fatter.

Calculate Intensity Of Aerobic Exercise

To calculate the percentage of intensity that specialists recommend reaching. Subtract the maximum number of beats per minute that is considered safe for a healthy heart to contact (maximum frequency). It is 220 for men and 210 for women at the subject’s age.

According to this parameter, an exercise that goes from 55 to 60 per cent of the maximum frequency is light. Moderate if it is between 60 and 70 per cent and vital if performed between 75 and 85 per cent.


Before practicing aerobic exercise, it is necessary to pass a medical examination to evaluate cardiovascular conditions. Thus, know what type of aerobic exercise is the most appropriate. Lower intensity exercises, such as aerobics, are recommended for those with poorer physical shape. Significantly overweight, or have some bone, respiratory or cardiac pathology.

It is good to start the exercise with a warm-up of about 10 minutes and finish with a cool-down period. Secondly, stretching to prevent muscle injuries. Constant hydration during sports practice is essential.

Training Level

Each person is a small world, and your body will have a different way of responding to exercise. In addition, each of us has our own body rhythm that will determine by various factors: physical characteristics, temperament, etc.

Therefore, when designing an exercise program, it will be of the utmost importance to attend to these factors, which without a doubt they will influence the fact that the training may or may not be effective and satisfactory.

Various studies in sports medicine have shown that the results obtained from aerobic exercise are closely related to the effort made when practicing it. Furthermore, these studies concluded that the most significant benefits remained when the action was neither too intense nor too light.

This level determines a figure, which represents the heart rate that we must reach, maintain and not exceed during aerobics. Of course, this level differs from one person to another due to age, physical condition, weight, etc. So, each person must know their level of training to start practicing aerobics and control their intensity.


Aerobic Exercises – We define “Aerobic” as any exercise capable of stimulating cardiovascular and respiratory activity for a time long enough to produce a whole series of benefits in our body. Sportingly, it refers to any exercise performed for a relatively long time and with moderate intensity, which requires a considerable amount of oxygen.

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